Wednesday 20 July 2016

BB Post 2

BB Post 2

I was terribly nervous. My fist gig. Gordonstoun no less .Wellknown to most
for being the school of royalty,, Prince Charles, followed by  sons etc.

As it happened, the audience was a group of extremely attentive  six formers.
The  reception followed by  Q and A session was great..

 Later . At  a meeting with the head of PSE - Personal and Social Education ,he was so 
enthusiastic that he proceeded to give me  the the name of whole bunch of 
Public Schools down south, with which Gordonstoun apparently had a close
 A happy bunny was I ! The pay was excellent too  They didnt' even want an invoice!

Thus was launched my 'career 'as a  public speaker in schools.

It was a little later that a publisher found my website and asked me if I would
like to write a book . Of course I would ! And so it all came bubbling out of my head
 and onto the page, No idea exactly how I did it? There were no drafts  as far
as I remember but plenty of corrections and so on.
The publisher then sent the book to all state and public schools in the UK.

At this stage I  still  have no idea what the schools did with the book-let. But it must
have gone into some school libraries as...One day I got an email from a girl who
had actually  found  a copy in the  library and admitted to me that she had taken
 it home as she liked it so much and told me that she would now ' stop cutting herself'!


Life ( or not)
Chapter 1:beliefs - Goals
Chapter 2: Language
Chapter 3 Our bodies 
Chapter 4: Emotions
Chapter 5: Money
Chapter 6: The Environment
Chapter 7: Role Models
To conclude 


Monday 18 July 2016

BB – Blog 2

Sitting in a friend's flat in Edinburgh a few years ago I was talking about my recent trip to the US. I'd just started as a ' Life Coach'. Hugely inspired by Tony Robbins work I'd participated in
all his seminars, both as a 'student' and crew.
To my surprise I'd just had a call from Scotland on Sunday. They wanted an interview ?
It turned out that I was the first ' Life Coach' in Scotland ?
Suddenly my friend turned to me and said:” You know what. You should be doing this work in schools”. She had a sixteen years old daughter who was in one of many Public schools.
“ Kids really need this kind of stuff”, she added.
I duly went to see the teacher she'd mentioned, ratled off the list of all the famous folk I'd studied with- Richard Bandler, Deepak Chopra, John Gray, T. Harv Eker and so on.
He appeared so impressed that I got a whole list of ( private schools )to contact., there and then.
Thus was born my website“ Magic Unlimited” and talks in schools.
A little later I was 'discovered' by a publisher who asked me to write a booklet that he
would send to all UK schools. Easy peesy, I thought. I write as I speak !
The title. “ The Amazing Power of You. Designing the life you want”.
No idea what happened to the book; The publisher never did any marketing .


Hello! May I introduce myself. I'm Danielle, a magician. I'm only interested in one thing –
the Magic inside of you. That is the magic of your subconscious.
This little booklet is all about YOU. How you can find the way to be all you can be,
live a wonderful life and kick out stress forever.
Before I go any further I would ask you to'suspend disbelief' for the duration of your reading.
Many of the things I write about are new, different. Things you've never heard of before.
My intention is to supply you with plenty of tools for living and for you to have fun in the
process of discovery.
Read on and you will find a trunk-full of suggestions for how to get through all the stresses
and challenges inflicted on you and come out alive, smiling and happy.
All the information in this booklet is backed by my studies with some of the world leaders
in the field of personal development.
In addition I have peppered the pages with my own personal insights from the 'hedgrows of life'.